Tag Archives: coal center beginners camera course

{Camera Class dates for April and May}

Welp, I have my first camera class under my belt and I gotta say I really enjoyed it!!  I thought I would but its like anything new, there is a little bit of the unknown!  I am excited to offer more of these!  Here are the April and May dates that I have planned!  If...

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  • Joann AndersonMarch 2, 2014 - 3:32 pm

    Definitely interested in the April 19th, April 29th, May 18th or 29th classes. Please let me know which if any are still available! Looking forward to learning from you!! ReplyCancel

  • Mecinda ColumbusMarch 2, 2014 - 6:04 pm

    I would like to sign up for the Saturday, May 10 class.

    Thank you,

    Mecinda ColumbusReplyCancel


Belle Vernon, PA
