So two days in a row! Pretty good, right?? Before we get onto some of this gorgeous family, I wanted to tell everyone a little about what we are moving towards for digital files. We sell alot of digital files! The majority of everything that comes in orders some combination of digitals–either all digitals so that they can print themselves in whatever size and quanity they would like or just a few in conjunction with some prints. With all digital packages, we are moving towards online downloads.
There are a couple of reasons as to why but the main one is that everyone seems to really love that idea! They can get them right away–within 12-24 hours after checking out so they can get those announcements and birthday thank yous out right away! Starting the end of this week, this is how all of our digital packages will be presented. If you purchase the Whole Shebang or all of the edited rights, you will have the option to receive a flash drive or a digital download (for a $10 discount!!). Pretty cool, right? Any questions, just shoot me message!!
And now onto these stunning little people….