Your Senior Session is a fun way to commemorate all that you are right now in this exciting time in your life! We are honored to capture these memories for you!
Completing your senior session questionnaire gives your photographer valuable information about your likes and your style so that we can plan the perfect session to capture YOU!
There are several different looks that you can incorporate into your session. Below we highlighted some looks to help you brianstorm what you would love for your session!
Water is a fun and natural feature to incorporate into your session! Locally, we can incorporate a lake, creek or river’s edge! And if you are feeling a little daring, you can even go in!
Urban can be anything from city views, and bridges to a cool urban wall and parking garage!
Flowers are very popular in the summer and early fall! If you are closer to the city, Mellon Park is a lovely choice! It offers both flowers and structure and there is enough variety there to do the whole session in one spot! If you are located near the Mon Valley, we plant a small flower field to accomidate these requests as well which is situated right by our greenhouse.
Really love the sports that you participate in? Incorporate them at your home court or field to make your session more your own!
Vintage Truck
We have a vintage truck by our flower patch and green house that our clients have access to as well!