Dana Monticelli Photography is looking for a part time office assistant come this fall since our lovely assist Julie is headed back to school. The majority of the duties will center around administrative tasks, though there may be some opportunity to assist with some newborn shoots. Ideally looking for someone who is able to commit long term. Complete job description will be discussed with those interested! Hours are flexible and will total 12-15 a week.
The applicant must have proficient computer skills, must be able to work independantly, and must be able to multitask. Previous knowledge of Adobe helpful, but not required!
If interested in applying, email me at dana_monticelli@yahoo.com. Interviews will be held the first full week of September, and I am hoping to get someone rolling by the end of September-beginning of October!
And just to make this post cuter, one of the little sweethearts to be featured shortly!!
This isn’t relevent to the position, but that baby is so cute! I have that same fabric in a dark brown.